Our Story

How it all started...

ETM was founded in 2001, when a group of believers joined together for an in-depth study of God's Word. The Holy Spirit spoke to Apostle Spencer and revealed specific details about the ministry and the call to oversee the vision of ETM.
With seven adult members, ETM held its first official church service on Sunday, November 11, 2001. 

Expanding the vision...

God's vision for us is bigger than any four walls could ever contain. We now have ETM Global Mexico, located in Mexicali, Mexico, and we are making preparations for ETM Global Texas, located in greater Dallas, Texas. Our Moreno Valley, CA location remains the hub of our ministry as we continue to expand our church planting efforts. 

Where we are headed...

Wherever God leads is where we will follow. As we prayerfully continue to build our base, we fully rely upon God's plan. We are called to discipleship, evangelism, Kingdom growth, and outreach.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:00 am.

Meet our Apostle

Apostle Spencer is the founder of End Time Ministries, a powerful and progressive ministry located in Moreno Valley, CA.  His apostolic call, humility and willingness to sow into the lives of the people of God have all led him through many avenues of ministry.  Apostle Spencer has served the city of Moreno Valley and the Inland Empire for over 25 years, and he is recognized in the community at-large for his dedication to community outreach and partnerships with various organizations which serve the needs of Inland Empire. He is an accomplished musician, writer and entrepreneur. God continues to manifest Himself through this humble servant and souls are being reached for the Kingdom of God. Apostle Spencer has been happily married to his wife, Tracy, for 33 years and they have two sons, two daughters and 6 grandchildren. They currently reside in Moreno Valley, CA.